Locations: WY = Wylie Hall
Date | Event | Time | Location | Speaker | Title |
09/15 | Econometrics | 01:30PM 03:00PM | Virtual | Jaap Abbring, Tilburg University | Identifying Present-Biased Discount Functions in Dynamic Discrete Choice Models (Abstract) |
09/17 | Macro | 04:30PM 05:45PM | Virtual | James Hamilton, University of California, San Diego | Measuring Labor-Force Participation and the Incidence and Duration of Unemployment |
09/23 | Trade | 02:30PM 04:00PM | Virtual | Luis Baldomero-Quintana, William & Mary |
How Infrastructure Shapes Comparative Advantage |
09/24 | Macro | 04:30PM 05:45PM | Virtual | Erik Hurst, The University of Chicago Booth |
Income Growth and the Distributional Effects of Urban Spatial Sorting |
09/25 | Micro | 12:00PM 01:15PM | Virtual | Miguel Urquiola, Columbia University | Information and Preferences in Household Demand for School Value Added |
10/02 | Micro | 10:00AM 11:15AM | Virtual | Simin He, Shanghai University | Real-time Monitoring in a Public-goods Game, joint with Xun Zhu, Fudan University |
10/06 | Econometrics | 09:00AM 10:30AM | Virtual | Xu Han, City University of Hong Kong |
Quasi-maximum Likelihood Estimation of Break Point in High-dimensional Factor Models |
10/08 | Macro | 04:30PM 05:45PM | Virtual | Zoe Xie, FRB of Atlanta |
Unemployment Insurance during a Pandemic |
10/13 | Econometrics | 01:30PM 03:00PM | Virtual | Victor Aguirregabiria, University of Toronto | Identification of Firms Beliefs in Structural Models of Market Competition |
10/14 | Trade | 02:30PM 04:00PM | Virtual | Felix Tintelnot, University of Chicago |
Spatial Economics for Granular Settings |
10/15 | Macro | 04:30PM 05:45PM | Virtual | Fabio Gomez-Rodriguez, Indiana University |
How Do the U.S. Government’s Decisions Affect its Borrowing Costs? |
10/16 | Empirical Investigations in International Trade Conference | ||||
10/16 | Micro | 12:00PM 01:15PM | Virtual | Friederike Mengel, University of Essex | Irrational Statistical Discrimination |
10/22 | Macro | 01:30PM 02:45PM | Virtual | Mirko Wiederholt, Sciences Po, France | Rational Inattention and the Business Cycle Effects of Productivity and News Shocks |
10/27 | Econometrics | 01:30PM 03:00PM | Virtual | Marc Rysman, Boston University | Demand for Performance Goods: Import Quotas in the Chinese Movie Market |
10/28 | Trade | 02:30PM 04:00PM | Virtual | Robert Johnson, University of Notre Dame | Offshoring and Inflation |
10/30 | Micro | 12:00PM 01:15PM | Virtual | Lea Heursen, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Are Women Less Effective Leaders than Men? Evidence from Experiments Using Coordination Games (Abstract) |
11/03 | Econometrics | 01:30PM 03:00PM | Virtual | Frank Verboven, KU Leuven, Belgium | Market Entry, Fighting Brands and Tacit Collusion: Evidence from the French Telecommunications Market |
11/04 | Trade | 02:30PM 04:00PM | Virtual | Woan Foong Wong, University of Oregon | Entrepôt: Hubs, Scale, and Trade Costs |
11/05 | Macro | 04:30PM 05:45PM | Virtual | Iourii Manovskii, University of Pennsylvania | Machine Learning the Labor Market |
11/06 | Micro | 12:00PM 01:15PM | Virtual | Roberto Weber, University of Zurich, Switzerland | Public Discourse and Socially Responsible Market Behavior |
11/10 | Econometrics | 01:30PM 03:00PM | Virtual | Zhaoguo Zhan, Kennesaw State University | Double Robust Continuous Updating GMM |
11/11 | Trade | 02:30PM 04:00PM | Virtual | Michael Peters, Yale University | European Immigrants and the United States' Rise to the Technological Frontier |
11/17 | Econometrics | 01:30PM 03:00PM | Virtual | Drew Creal, University of Notre Dame | Bayesian Estimation of Stochastic Discount Factor Models on Unbalanced Panels of Returns with Regression Trees |
11/18 | Trade | 02:30PM 04:00PM | Virtual | Kyle Handley, UC San Diego | TBA |
11/19 | Macro | 04:30PM 05:45PM | Virtual | Mark Watson, Princeton University | Spatial Correlation Robust Inference |
11/20 | Micro | 12:00PM 01:15PM | Virtual | Salvatore Nunnari, Bocconi University, Italy | CANCELLED |
12/01 | Econometrics | 01:30PM 03:00PM | Virtual | Raymond Kan, University of Toronto | In-sample and Out-of-sample Sharpe Ratios of Multi-factor Asset Pricing Models |
12/02 | Trade | 02:30PM 04:00PM | Virtual | Thomas Holmes, University of Minnesota | CANCELLED Indivisibilities in Distribution |
02/12 | Micro | 12:00PM 01:15PM | Virtual | Maria Bigoni, University of Bologna, Italy | TBA |