Graduate Student News

Graduate Student News

Hoosier Economics Conference (HEC)

The 20th annual Hoosier Economics Conference (formerly the Jordan River Conference) was held this year on April 26, 2024, in Wylie Hall. Professors James Self and Volodymyr Lugovskyy were co-directors of the conference which was hosted by the Omicron Delta Epsilon Gamma Chapter and sponsored by MacMillan Education and Pearson Education. In morning and afternoon sessions third-year graduate students presented the preliminary draft of their third-year paper and undergraduate students presented their research. A book fair and luncheon were hosted by MacMillan Education and Pearson Education. The conference concluded with an evening reception held in the Federal Room at the Indiana Memorial Union where conference awards were announced.

Congratulations to Ali Zarifhonarvar who won the HEC Best Graduate Student Paper Award! His paper title is “Experimental Evidence on Large Language Models.” His advisory committee chair is Daniela Puzzello and his committee members are Ala Avoyan and Volodymyr Lugovskyy.

Congratulations to Kemal Perdana who won the HEC Best Undergraduate Student Paper Award! His paper title is “Union Membership’s Effects on Wages in Indonesia.” His faculty mentor is John Schwendel.

(From left) Michael Kaganovich, Chair; Ali Zarifhonarvar, and Volodymyr Lugovskyy, Director of Graduate Studies
(From left) Michael Kaganovich, Chair; Ali Zarifhonarvar, and Volodymyr Lugovskyy, Director of Graduate Studies

Congratulations to our 2024 Graduate Student Award Winners!

Students pose with their awards. Volodymyr Lugovskyy, Director of Graduate Studies (2nd row, 5th from left) and Michael Kaganovich, Chair (2nd row, 6th from left), pose among them.
We are so proud of our graduate student award winners! Volodymyr Lugovskyy, Director of Graduate Studies (2nd row, 5th from left) and Michael Kaganovich, Chair (2nd row, 6th from left)

At our annual Department of Economics Awards Reception we recognize our most outstanding graduate students. We were pleased to announce their special achievements and awards at our March 25, 2024 reception hosted by Michael Kaganovich, Chair of the department.

Lloyd Orr Dissertation Fellowship

Sergii Drobot
Sangmyung Ha
Vladimir Menshikov
Naoya Nagasaka 

Witney-LeMar Fellowship for Outstanding Graduate Student in Labor Economics and/or Labor Relations

Po-Shyan Wu

Henry M. Oliver Award for Excellence in Graduate Economic Theory

Daniela Valdivia

Taulman A. Miller Award for Best International Graduate Student in Economics

Marco Acosta Carrión

Daniel J. Duesterberg Travel Award

Andrew Berryhill
Jack Berger
Jarrod Burgh
Ellie Cothren

Frank T. Bachmura Award for Outstanding Graduate Student in Development Economics or Comparative Systems

Homa Taheri

W. Phillip Saunders Award for Outstanding Introductory Economics Associate Instructor

Guilherme Paiva Pinto
Cesar Salinas Depaz

Alumni Associate Instructor Award for Excellence in Teaching

Hee Soo Kim

Hoosier Economics Conference Best Graduate Student Paper Award

Ali Zarifhonarvar

Best Third Year Paper Award

Costas Lambros

Job Market Placement for 2024

Congratulations to our job market candidates! We are excited about their success on the job market.

Jonathan Leslie, The MITRE Corporation (an R&D center for the federal government)

Austin Knies, Abt Associates

Byung Goog Park, Bank of Korea

Chao Wang, Advanced Economic Research, Dongbei University of Finance and Economics

Hyeyun Cho, Analysis Group (Chicago office)

Cesar Salinas Depaz, Universidad del Pacífico


Congratulations to our Ph.D. graduates! They participated in the Spring Commencement Ceremony held on May 3, 2024 in the Simon Skjodt Assembly Hall and were hooded by Professor Emerson Melo.

(From left) Jonathan Leslie, Austin Knies, Hyeyun Cho, Chao Wang, Professor Emerson Melo, and Cesar Salinas Depaz
(From left) Jonathan Leslie, Austin Knies, Hyeyun Cho, Chao Wang, Professor Emerson Melo, and Cesar Salinas Depaz