IU Economics faculty member Emerson Melo has been awarded funding from the IU Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) supporting his research relating to The Bloomington Symposia on Contagion. Professor Melo participated in the IAS virtual workshop, where according to their website “… interdisciplinary scholars from the IUB community engaged the epistemological, methodological, and conceptual challenges that attend research (theoretical or applied) on contagion.” He presented his research in the section of the workshop entitled Coordination, Networks, Information Processing, and Public Policy: The Case of COVID-19.
Professor Melo has also been awarded funding by the IU Institute for Advanced Study to participate in the 2022-2023 Recently Tenured Working Group. He is among twelve associate professors selected from a pool of strong candidates. The purpose of the program is to assist recently tenured faculty in assembling a successful multi-year research plan.