Four student team, Vijay Chirumamilla, Freya Dave, Eli Goldstein, and Jude Richardson, from IU’s Economic Department, recently competed in The Econometrics Game, an undergraduate research competition hosted by the University of Chicago’s Oeconomica. The Econometrics Gameis a competition where teams from top universities across and beyond the US are given a dataset and 13 hours to devise and answer a question of economic importance. Each team must then write a comprehensive research paper. The teams judged to have the best papers are then selected to present their findings in front of a panel of judges. This competition was held online on April 10-11, 2021.
Our inaugural team outperformed tough competition including from Ivy League Schools and MIT, and reached the final stage along with four other teams (out of 22 teams total). The topic for this year’s game was to identify channels through which COVID-19 spread in New York City and recommend policies based on the analysis. Our team identified spread through a lack of asymptomatic testing.
The Department thanks Vijay, Freya, Eli, and Jude for their hard work and courage in taking on the competition. This group represented Economics at IU very well and serves as a prime example of the opportunities Economics major has to offers IU students.
Pictured from top to bottom are Eli Goldstein, Vijay Chirumamilla, and Jude Richardson (Freya Dave’s picture was not available at the time of publication).
Eli Goldstein
Vijay Chirumamilla
Jude Richardson