Editor's note: The Department of Economics is proud to announce Richard Liu received the 2021 Stadelmann Scholarship. Richard graduated in May 2021 earning a B.A. in Economics with Highest Distinction. In addition, he earned an Area Certificate in Applied Research and Inquiry from the O’Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs. We asked Richard to write about his reflections on winning the Stadelmann Scholarship and to tell us about what he is doing today.
Undergraduate Student News
In February 2021, I was informed that I had been nominated for the Stadelmann Scholarship, an annual award offered to one faculty-nominated senior from either the Kelley School of Business or the Department of Economics. As I applied, I reflected on those invaluable individuals who had given me so much these past few years. One's learning experience is always contingent on one's peers. I owe much to my classmates, whose curiosity encouraged my studies, and to Professors Edward Buffie and Lee Alston whose classes on macro and institutional economics captivated me. I cannot thank Professors Michael Alexeev and Nastassia Krukava enough for their warmth and superb guidance as thesis advisors.

Richard Liu
Competing for the Stadelmann Scholarship was also a chance to express how much studying the social sciences has meant to me. I entered college with unformed direction. I exited college understanding that I loved generating new knowledge with the tools social science offers. Today, I apply that passion as part of the Yenching Scholarship, a funded interdisciplinary master's program at Peking University in Beijing. As part of the program, I will write a master's thesis on Chinese rural-urban inequality, the same topic I studied for my undergraduate thesis. Simultaneously, I am serving as an Economist for the Bureau of Labor Statistics in Washington DC., producing the data that feeds into the Consumer Price Index.
The framework that economics has given me to understand the world and our institutions, predict decision-making, and assess policy will be invaluable in my career. I am endlessly grateful to the Department of Economics for broadening my understanding of what I could and wanted to do.
Congratulations to our 2021 Undergraduate Award Winners!
Department Hosts Annual Graduation Reception
Faculty, staff, and students gathered on May 7, 2021, via Zoom and Facebook to celebrate our 2021 graduates. Chair of the department, Michael Kaganovich, led the virtual celebration to acknowledge and honor their accomplishments.

Caydon Traino and Katherine Zackerman reflected upon their experiences as undergraduate economics majors. The names of our graduates were read by Jimmy Walker, Associate Chair, and John Stone, Director of Undergraduate Studies.
We were inspired by the keynote address given by Greg Blitz, B.A., 1972. Read his reflections about his time at IU in the Alumni News sections of this newsletter.