- Ph.D., Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, 2002

James K. Self
Director of Undergrad Studies
Senior Lecturer
Director of Undergrad Studies
Senior Lecturer
James regularly teaches economic principles, money and banking, and public finance. His research interests are the efficacy of various educational course components and overall program design, program evaluation, and assessment measures. In addition, he is interested in tax incidence and asset market efficiency. James retired from United States Marine Corps Reserve at the rank of Lieutenant Colonel after serving in both the active and reserve components of the Marine Corps from 1982 to 2014. During that time he served in numerous leadership and hierarchical managerial positions.
“Teaching and Learning Alternatives to a Comparative Advantage Motivation for Trade” with William E. Becker Jr., The American Economist, Vol. 61, No. 2, 2016.
“The Distributional Efficacy of Collaborative Learning on Student Outcomes," with Kim Huynh and with David Jacho-Chávez, The American Economist, Vol. 60, No. 2, 2015.
“The Distributional Efficacy of Collaborative Learning Recitation Sessions on Student Outcomes” with Kim Huynh and with David Jacho-Chávez, In 2010 JSM Proceedings, Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association. 4406-4418
“The Efficacy of Collaborative Learning Recitation Sessions on Student Outcomes” with Kim Huynh and with David Jacho-Chávez, American Economic Review: Papers & Proceedings 100 (May 2010): 287–291.
“Teaching Microeconomics in Wonderland” with B. Peter Pashigian, Journal of Economic Education, Volume 38, Number 1, Winter 2007.
“Asymmetric Stationarity in National Stock Market Indices: a MTAR Analysis” with Ike Mathur, Journal of Business, November issue (vol. 79, no. 6), 2006.